In our Enchanted Journal, you’ll find information on our seasonal plant varieties, general announcements, notes from our entomologist on garden bugs, and recipes we love!

Nursery News
Welcome to our 2021 guide to fall vegetables. Plan ahead for your beds with this comprehensive list of the varieties we’ll carry this season, including some award winners!
Welcome to Enchanted’s 2020 Spring guide to growing tomatoes. This list details the first installment of varieties we’ll carry as starter plants starting the second week of February, selections will vary depending on location. Make sure to check our seed selections, too!
To celebrate the Lunar New Year, we want to share an age-old philosophy recommended by The Old Farmer’s Almanac: plan, plant, sow, and harvest your vegetable gardens by the moon! Includes The Almanac’s free planting calendar.
Welcome to our 2020 list of Crape Myrtle trees! Find out the height, spread, growth habits, and origins of all the types that can grow here in the surrounding Houston area.
Enchanted Gardens is a certified rest stop for monarchs during their migration from Mexico. Monarch butterflies depend on local gardeners to provide milkweed host plants for their young caterpillars, especially native varieties. Join Enchanted’s #MILKWEEDMOVEMENT to give back to local nonprofits and support Monarch conservation—purchase your milkweed from Enchanted, post photos on social media using our hashtag, and spread the word about our #MILKWEEDMOVEMENT.
Welcome to our 2020 Spring guide to citrus trees! Discover the many types, flavors, and uses of citrus—from varieties grown in Texas since the 1800’s to varieties discovered in countries across the globe. Citrus makes for a beautiful ornamental small tree as well as an edible garden staple in Texas. Selection available at Enchanted Nurseries for the greater Houston area in late January.
Welcome to our 2020 Spring guide to fruit trees, coming Friday January 17th (approx.)! Don’t miss out on this year’s best selection of fruit trees that can grow in your own Texan backyard. Call either location—or even better visit us—with questions about our available varieties!
Welcome to our 2020 guide to spring vegetables. Plan ahead for your beds with this comprehensive list of the varieties we’ll carry this season, including some award winners!
Welcome to Enchanted’s 2020 Spring guide to growing tomatoes. This list details the first installment of varieties we’ll carry as starter plants starting the second week of February, selections will vary depending on location. Make sure to check our seed selections, too!
Our Fraser & Noble firs are grown on family owned farms that have been serving the industry for many years. Read more for Enchanted’s Easy Tree Care Tips!
Welcome to our 2021 guide to fall vegetables. Plan ahead for your beds with this comprehensive list of the varieties we’ll carry this season, including some award winners!
Welcome to Enchanted’s 2020 Spring guide to growing tomatoes. This list details the first installment of varieties we’ll carry as starter plants starting the second week of February, selections will vary depending on location. Make sure to check our seed selections, too!
Welcome to our 2021 Fall guide to growing peppers! Peppers are an easy and rewarding vegetable for both beginner and experienced gardeners. We carry many that grow well in containers, so space isn’t an issue! Discover the award winners, heirlooms, local and foreign favorites in this list.
Did you know that half of our global agriculture depends on wild insects to pollinate the crops? Including host and nectar plants in your garden will improve your flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees as well as those of your neighbors! Here’s a list of tips and plant suggestions to help you create the perfect pollinator environment.
Welcome to our 2020 list of Crape Myrtle trees! Find out the height, spread, growth habits, and origins of all the types that can grow here in the surrounding Houston area.
Welcome to our 2020 Spring guide to growing roses. This article includes a complete list of all the varieties we’ll carry this season; a description of rose classifications; our Enchanted recommended varieties; and helpful advice to combat legginess, diseases, and insect infestations.
Welcome to our 2020 list of Redbud trees! Find out the height, spread, growth habits, and origins of all the types that can grow here in the surrounding Houston area.
Enchanted Gardens is a certified rest stop for monarchs during their migration from Mexico. Monarch butterflies depend on local gardeners to provide milkweed host plants for their young caterpillars, especially native varieties. Join Enchanted’s #MILKWEEDMOVEMENT to give back to local nonprofits and support Monarch conservation—purchase your milkweed from Enchanted, post photos on social media using our hashtag, and spread the word about our #MILKWEEDMOVEMENT.
Welcome to our 2020 Spring guide to growing peppers! Peppers are an easy and rewarding vegetable for both beginner and experienced gardeners. We carry many that grow well in containers, so space isn’t an issue! Discover the award winners, heirlooms, local and foreign favorites in this list.
Welcome to our 2020 Spring guide to berries and grapes! Available late January. From highly ornamental to ever-bearing, these vines and bushes are both a beautiful and a fruitful addition to the garden.
Welcome to our 2020 Spring guide to citrus trees! Discover the many types, flavors, and uses of citrus—from varieties grown in Texas since the 1800’s to varieties discovered in countries across the globe. Citrus makes for a beautiful ornamental small tree as well as an edible garden staple in Texas. Selection available at Enchanted Nurseries for the greater Houston area in late January.
Welcome to our 2020 Spring guide to fruit trees, coming Friday January 17th (approx.)! Don’t miss out on this year’s best selection of fruit trees that can grow in your own Texan backyard. Call either location—or even better visit us—with questions about our available varieties!
Welcome to our 2020 guide to spring vegetables. Plan ahead for your beds with this comprehensive list of the varieties we’ll carry this season, including some award winners!
Welcome to Enchanted’s 2020 Spring guide to growing tomatoes. This list details the first installment of varieties we’ll carry as starter plants starting the second week of February, selections will vary depending on location. Make sure to check our seed selections, too!
They say if a butterfly flaps its wings in New Mexico, it could cause a hurricane in China. On top of being a delightful spectacle of nature, Monarch butterflies help keep world ecosystems in balance. As Texas is a main rest stop during their migration from Mexico, the Monarch butterflies depend on local gardeners to provide milkweed host plants for their young caterpillars.
Welcome to our 2019 Spring guide to tropical and semi-tropical fruit trees! Grow the most sought-after and expensive fruits from tropical climates, including mango, guava, and dragon fruit!
Garden Tips
To celebrate the Lunar New Year, we want to share an age-old philosophy recommended by The Old Farmer’s Almanac: plan, plant, sow, and harvest your vegetable gardens by the moon! Includes The Almanac’s free planting calendar.
Welcome to our 2020 list of Crape Myrtle trees! Find out the height, spread, growth habits, and origins of all the types that can grow here in the surrounding Houston area.
Welcome to the Enchanted guide to soil amendments. This list includes fertilizers, weed killers, animal repellents, and more. These raw ingredients can help you grow roses, bulbs, vegetables, fruit trees—anything, really! Also see our Soil List for more amendment products to add volume as well as nutrients to your Texas garden beds.
Perennials are the workhorse of the summer landscape! This curation of staff favorites exhibits the great variety of textures and colors.
Succulents and cacti are native to arid places with little seasonal rainfall. They are low maintenance and drought tolerant which are a couple of reasons succulents are popular plants in both containers and landscapes.
Welcome to Enchanted Garden’s 2019 guide to soil. This article includes a complete list of our soil, compost, bed amendments and ingredients.
The following plants prove more successful than others in attracting migrating hummingbirds to the yard. Planting some in your landscape, putting up a feeder, and making your yard pollinator-friendly will turn your home into a rest stop they’ll remember!
Taking the correct steps in transplanting a new fruit tree is absolutely essential for the young tree’s survival. We’ve created an easy step-by-step guide for our customers to read before attempting a transplant to avoid any accidental casualties!
There might not be anything that drives you wild more than planting a beautiful new plant in the garden only to wake up the next day and find it munched down to a nub.
There are three major items to consider when choosing a tree: site conditions, such as the amount of space, amount of sun exposure, and soil conditions are the most important things to determine.
Kick-start your New Year’s diet with homemade herb vinaigrette served over fresh garden greens.
Make your own rose water using petals from the roses in your garden. You can use it to add to desserts, homemade marshmallows, skin-care products and fun cocktails.
When I had my first child I wanted to make sure she would love being outdoors just as much as I do. I wanted to make all of her experiences outside fun and interesting. That’s when I turned my attention to edible gardens.
Garden Bugs
Did you know that half of our global agriculture depends on wild insects to pollinate the crops? Including host and nectar plants in your garden will improve your flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees as well as those of your neighbors! Here’s a list of tips and plant suggestions to help you create the perfect pollinator environment.
Enchanted Gardens is a certified rest stop for monarchs during their migration from Mexico. Monarch butterflies depend on local gardeners to provide milkweed host plants for their young caterpillars, especially native varieties. Join Enchanted’s #MILKWEEDMOVEMENT to give back to local nonprofits and support Monarch conservation—purchase your milkweed from Enchanted, post photos on social media using our hashtag, and spread the word about our #MILKWEEDMOVEMENT.
While many people may hear about organic gardening and initially write it off as a “fad,” the truth of the matter is that removing unnecessary toxins from our gardens can be an important and easy step toward overall better health.
“Save the bees!” We’ve heard it before, but truly, bees and their honey have kept us all sweet and healthy since ancient times. Beyond satisfying your sweet tooth, a heaping teaspoon of local honey (harvested within a 50-mile radius) will keep the doctor, the nurse, the dentist, and the beautician away! We’ve curated a list of our favorite uses of local honey for our Enchanted journal readers.